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Urban Swarms: A Brand New Approach for Autonomous Waste Management

Shilpa Pareek


Modern towns are growing ecosystems facing more difficulties due to growing requirements from the population. One of the many problems that they face today is waste management, which has become a major problem that requires fresh alternatives. Swarm artificial intelligence systems are attracting increased attention within the past years and they are expected to become number one amongst all the driving factors for innovation within the field of artificial intelligence. The analysis conferred during this paper explores the feasibility of a swarm artificial intelligence system in urban surroundings. By discrimination of bio-inspired search ways like search and stigmergy-based navigation, a swarm of robots during a position is ready to enhance the potency and autonomy of the urban waste management system in a realistic situation. Results conferred during this analysis show that the projected system outperforms current approaches. However, the results do not show the potency of our resolution, although, they conjointly provide insights regarding the way to style and customize these systems.

Keywords: CPF, GIS knowledge, stigmergy, swarm artificial intelligence

Cite this Article: Shilpa Pareek. Urban Swarms: A Brand New Approach for Autonomous Waste Management. International Journal of Solid State Materials. 2019; 5(1): 1–8p.

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