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A Comprehensive Review of Hydro Turbine Preferences: Efficiency, Cost and Environmental Impact

Arjun Chaudhary, Shashank Mishra, Shashank Mishra, Shashank Mishra


This paper aims to examine the various types and capacities of hydroenergy systems, with a focus on the most effective turbines that can be used. It addresses the optimal turbine for a hydroelectric plant, along with a review of hydropower technologies and turbines. Hydropower, with its inherent qualities and the benefits it provides to society, the environment, and the economy, is poised to play a significant role in the future energy mix. All remote locations, areas with severe development needs, disaster-affected areas, and distant military outposts have one thing in common: they all require efficient means of generating electricity. The most effective approach to meet these needs is to use power-generating modules that tap into the nearest renewable energy sources. A hydroelectric power plant’s main goal is to create usable electricity from the kinetic and potential energy of a moving body of water. Hydropower endeavors need a range of criteria at different stages of the project’s implementation. To capitalize on the potential, additional turbines have been created and made accessible to businesses. The project needs to be cost-effective and successful, thus we need to explore the greatest hydro turbine option. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the selection process for hydroelectric projects’ hydro turbines

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